Keara Weiner Production Design ManagerToday, we are thrilled to introduce our newest team member, Keara Weiner, who joins us as Production Design Manager on our production preflight team.

With an impressive background in print design and production at a national entertainment company, Keara brings her advanced skills and extensive experience to manage our preflight department’s workflow and quality assurance, ensuring top-notch production outcomes for our clients.

Beyond her professional prowess, Keara is a proud mom of an adorable 1-year-old girl and two dogs named Frankie and Hudson. Outside the office, Keara and her husband share a love for adventure and travel.

Keara lives in Knoxville, Tennessee, but traces her roots back to Maryland. She’s excited about spending time in PMG’s Columbia office to engage with co-workers and visit with friends in the area in her off time.

Keara describes herself as an introvert, needing to surround herself with people who will pull her out of her shell. Does she know what she’s getting into with The PMG Family? We’re pretty sure she’ll be joining in all the fun at PMG in no time.

Welcome Keara, we know our preflight department is bound for continued greatness, and our entire team is looking forward to getting you out of your shell!