Hurricane Matthew has pulled away from the US and those in Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas are beginning the process of assessing the damage and cleaning up. Our thoughts go out to those impacted and we’re praying that they can stabilize and get back to normal as quickly as possible.

In addition to post office closures during and after the hurricane, mailers may want to curb delivery of campaigns to those regions as those impacted will be solely focused on recovering from the winds, rain and storm surge for many days and weeks to come.

These were and/or continue to be the most impacted SCF’s which experienced some level of service disruption, post office closure or temporary relocation during or after the hurricane. The USPS is working hard to resume normal operations as quickly as possible to all regions, but it is a fluid process. To assess the S
CF’s within your mail file, it may be helpful to consult the USPS SCF listing to make the final determination about which areas to suppress based on the drop date of your campaign

SCFs impacted by Hurricane Matthew:

Florida Georgia South Carolina  North Carolina 
320 299 290 278
321 313 291 283
322 314 294 284
315 295 285

We encourage you to monitor delivery with MailTracker so that you can shift your plans for handling your mailing’s response accordingly.

You can always keep up to date with USPS alerts here and any post office closures here. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance from your PMG team member!